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Fire & Ice


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 Our Response to Covid-19

The health and safety of our community is our biggest priority. In   order to slow down the spread of   COVID-19, here are the steps we have   taken:

Temporary closure of our head office. All office staff are working from home.

We have converted our small factory to cut and sew reusable masks. Our aim is to promote and sell reusable masks to the general public who are exercising social distancing. We urge everyone to reserve the limited supply of disposable medical masks for our front line health and medical institutions who are so desperately in need of them.

Our warehouse team currently processing online orders, work in alternate shifts to practice social distancing guidelines. We have taken extra precautionary and sanitary measures by rigorously disinfecting all workstations and introducing the compulsory wearing of gloves at all times. Stay healthy, be safe and please if you can stay home.


Tonia DeBellis and Team